Zeus operates across all industry sectors globally. We provide you with independent, reliable, fact-based advice to assist you in understanding the issues facing your projects and business. We then deal with, manage and resolve those issues. Our service is totally client focused and built upon a deep understanding and knowledge of the environments in which you operate.
Early involvement allows us to have greatest impact in Administration & Management of the Contract with influencing issues and enhancing the opportunities for settlement, improving our Clients' position. Our team is highly experienced and trained specialists including Global arbitrators, adjudicators and quantum, technical and delay analysis experts.
Our diverse experience ranges from Contractual opinions, Specialized Contract Management Consultants to Infrastructure Project across the Globe, Conducting Seminars and Orientation Programs on Contracts Management, Adjudications and International arbitrations. We operate across different sectors like water, rail, highways, metros, oil and gas, petrochemicals cover civil engineering, infrastructure and buildings contracts.
Our team is available to visit sites and client offices wherever they are located. We also have teams of experts seconded to client offices and project sites.